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Nr Cheltenham
GL54 3LJ

Chedworth Roman Villa

Chedworth Roman Villa is an interactive attraction with events being staged so that visitor’s can experience the site, enhanced and gain understanding of the Roman way of life.
The villa was discovered in 1864 by accident, when a gamekeeper found pottery and paving fragments on the bank of soil of what is now referred to as room 32.
James Farrer uncovered most of the buildings now visible over a period of two years at the expense of the then owner, the Earl of Eldon, who also provided the Museum and roofing for some of the structures.

The remains of one of the largest Romano-British villas in the country featuring several fine mosaics, two bathhouses, hypocausts, a water-shrine and latrine. The site museum houses objects from the villa.
The National Trust bought the site in 1924 by means of subscriptions raised largely by the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society.

Chedworth Roman Villa is popular with visitors from all over the world. You only have to listen to the different accents and languages of the visitors to see that.

Over a mile of walls survives and there are several fine mosaics (all mosaics are under cover to protect them from the elements).There are two bathhouses, hypocausts, a water-shrine and latrine.

A 15-minute audio-visual presentation at the entrance gives visitors an insight into the history of this fascinating place before they go and explore the site.

Opening Times;
Mar-Apr & 4 Oct-19 Nov;
Daily except Mons (but Mon Easter) & Tues, 11am-4pm/May-Sept:
Daily except Mons, 10am-5pm